Custom-made special Photography And consulting for Culture, Brand & Editorial Projects

Micronaut puts invisibly small structures and scientific content on stage, creating award-winning high-tech images for brands, magazines, books, exhibitions, or museums.
Stock Images:
We are offering various licenses for our stock images. Please feel free to visit the gallery and send us a note using the contact form, if you are interested in using one or more of our images for your brand, magazine, book, article, scientific publication, exhibition, or museum, (…).
Fine Art:
For fine art requests, please contact the artist.
Exclusive Corporate Pictures:
Every project starts with an idea. We investigate the literature in detail, analyse the scope and discuss possibilities with the client. We want to make sure the resultant picture tells the story intuitively, and in a memorable way. Our pictures are equipped with a high recognition factor – not only through the unique technology and quality we are offering. We also go great lengths to deliver distinguished eye-catchers in accordance with your corporate style. Our longterm experience and worldwide network of area specialists further allows us to help you organize valuable specimens that are hard to get.
Touring Exhibition:
With his dual identities as scientist and artist, Dr. Martin Oeggerli has set new standards in the area of scientific visualization. His pictures are breath-taking and able to build bridges from modern research projects to a wide audience. They shed light on invisibly small high-tech chips, or illustrate topics that are difficult to show (e.g. human microbiome, cancer cells). The Micronaut-touring exhibition contains over 50 fine prints produced over more than a decade and can be booked for special events, or museum exhibitions. Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information – or use the link above to get a glimpse.
Keynote Lectures:
Over the years, Martin has become an international speaker, entertaining his audience at congresses and events, both in English and German. His keynote lectures include unexpected discoveries and award-winning images. They are further enriched with personal anecdotes and behind-the-scenes information, and generally focus on one of the main topics Martin has explored for National Geographic. However, he remains open to compose differently (upon request):
– Micronavigating between Science & Art (general)
– Vision – The human Eye & similar sensory systems
– Pollen – Love is in the Air
– Insect Eggs – Exquisite Castaways
– Extraterrestrial landscapes
– Microbes – We are not alone!
– Visualization of the invisible – High-tech images made with the SEM
– Behind the scenes: 3D-IMAX picture for National Geographic
Your work is absolutely stunning and orders of magnitude better than most of what is out there
The images are beautiful and quite frankly
I am blown away!
(…) thank you for the hard work and creative brilliance you brought to each of your stories.
It was an honor to collaborate with you.