IPFO photo Festival 2023

IPFO photo Festival 2023

Olten, 23 Aug 2023. Every second year, some of the world’s leading photographers, visual story tellers, and photo directors meet in Olten to celebrate the IPFO photo festival. This year, Martin Oeggerli has been invited to present his artworks at the Mokka Rubin. ...
Best Science Images 2020: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC

Best Science Images 2020: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC

Washington D.C., 1 January 2021 On new years day, National Geographic announces the Best Science Pictures 2020. The article features six pictures, including Micronaut’s iconic artwork ‘The Microbiome of a Kiss’! „Wow. Gustav Klimt has his kiss and you have...
SARS-CoV-2 Fine art

SARS-CoV-2 Fine art

We are delighted to present the limited edition CoV-2 series created by Martin Oeggerli in collaboration with University Ulm.Continue reading on...


National Geographic Deutschland has published their new Cover article ‘Das Leben in uns’ (April 2018). The series of images that I created for this article also includes very difficult material: Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of the plague – the infectious...
NZZ Format: Immunsystem

NZZ Format: Immunsystem

SRF is going to release a new NZZ Format article about the human immune system (“Unser Immunsystem: stark, sensibel, beeinflussbar”) with images by Micronaut. Release date: 11 June 2020, 23h (11 pm), SRF. View Article

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