You’re Nerdy by Nature, just like us. That’s why this year, TEDxBasel dedicates itself to satisfying your inner nerd, with a line-up of speakers excited to share their own nerdiness with you. Be careful, you just might find your next obsession here!
Basel, 7 May 2022
Thank you to everyone who attended TEDxBasel 2022. We had so much fun getting nerdy with you. It was an amazing event and we can’t wait to share the speaker videos with everyone.
Speakers: Prof. Christine Blume, Dr. med. Richard Fakin, Dr. Thorhildur Hallorsdottir, Julien Hirano, Key Kawamura, Dr. Martin Oeggerli, Cecilia Ben Salah, Crispin Thurlow, Dr. Tania Rinaldi Barkat, Shivangi Walke.
Images from the EVENT:
This are some images from the event, taking place in a wonderful new (but old) venue, at the Natural History Museum, Augustinergasse 2, CH-4051 Basel.
Date: Sat 7th May 2022. Time: from 13:00 to 18:00.
Photography by Laia Pascual, Creative Tom, and Annika Meyer.
Roche, Novartis, Creative Tom, Fotografin Laia.