
With far more than 100 million nerve cells, the retina is the first stage of our visual system and our window to the outside world. The process includes detection of light impulses (photons) by different light receptors, in general called rods (120 million cells) and cones (6 million cells), and the fast and continuous translation, filtration and post-procession into electrical signals (or nerve impulses). These signals are then passed through the optical nerve’s 1.5 million fibres to the visual centre of the brain and reinterpreted into a cohesive image. The flexibility and economy with which retinal cells work together remains beyond our powers of imagination.
This series of images is showing the invisibly small, yet perfectly shaped structures that are essential parts of our predominant sensory organ – the eye. The eye-project compares the human eye to similar ‹visual tools› that evolved in other creatures. Often the design of such structures is very sophisticated and sensationally beautiful. Some of these structures may one day inspire scientists and engineers to develop innovative tools for new microscopic investigations into the unseen… (e.g. minimal-invasive-surgery, micro-technology, digital photography, astonomy, etc).

«The print looks beautiful! (…) It really is extraordinary work… you are a modern master!»
Bill Hearl, PhD
CEO Immunomic Therapeutics, Inc.

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