Budapest, 1 September 2021
National Geographic Hungary has published a new article by Micronaut. It focuses on the secret life and astonishing diversity of pollen grains. Micronaut has started to document pollen grains in 2005 and never stopped since then. The images shown in the article have received numerous awards and have been published in magazines worldwide, including: National Geographic, Vogue, Focus, BBC, or WIRED.
«I am a great admirer of your very own micro universe»
Tamas Vitray
Editor in Chief, National Geographic Hungary
The Article:
Please feel free to have a look at the PDF of the article in (National Geographic Hungary, September 2021) .
© Martin Oeggerli / Micronaut. Supported by Pathology, University Hospital Basel, School of Life Sciences, FHNW, Muttenz, Hermann & Edith Zgraggen, PTU, Uri, and Ralf Buchner & Heidemarie Halbritter, University Vienna.

Formats: 30×20 in (70×50 cm) each piece available in a limited edition of 25: contact artist for further information.